Game results for May 19, 2024
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Astros vs. Cardinals at Ferullo
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Astros Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Flynn, Mack (L)(0-2)75633100
Callahan, Matt1000000
Cardinals Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Lindsey, Rob (W)(1-0)5111020
Gagnon, Andy (S)(1)42321021

Astros Offense Highlights

 Astros Team - The only thing offensive about our offense was our offense....4 hits....
 Brendan O'Connell - Will be releasing his base running skills video soon....just don't watch anything beyond 2nd base....
 Joe Krieger - Back fat finally came in useful for something other than a splash guard
 Astros Team - Well at least the stats were easy to put in this week.....

Cardinals Offense Highlights

 Mike Mottolo - 2-2, BB, 2 RBI, SB, RS
 Andy Gagnon - 1-2, BB, 2 RS
 Dave Ierardi - 1-2, BB, RS
 Dan Ierardi - 1-3, 2B, BB, 2 SB, RS

Astros Defense Highlights

 Astros Team - Playing against the's like we took LSD and ended up in a commercial for Head and Shoulders while chewing Double Mint gum....Hair and Ierardi's everywhere....
 Joe Krieger - The tacky glove snags another one...sets personal season record for catches with 2....
 Mack Flynn - It'll be a Tiger Balm and Advil kinda week....deserved a better fate

Cardinals Defense Highlights

 Rob Lindsey - 5 outstanding innings for the win
 Andy Gagnon - Gutted out 4 innings in relief for the save
 Bryan Bell - Great 9 innings behind the plate calling a great game
 Mike Ierardi - Gunned down a runner at 3B on a great throw from CF

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Orioles vs. Giants at Gage Park
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Orioles Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Merritt, Chad (L)(0-1)8964751
Giants Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Savage, Matthew6622460
Leathers, Taylor (W)(1-0)3322110

Orioles Offense Highlights

 Chris Fantasia - 2-3 1R Swinging a hot bat with a 1B and a wall ball 2B.
 Chad Merritt - 2-3 with a BB and 2 RBI 2B in the 9th to pull us within striking distance.
 Gilve Santana - 2-3 Also swinging a hot bat with a couple hits.
 Francisco Brito - Shane Bursae, Mike Belair, Tim Melican all with hits.

Giants Offense Highlights

 Frank Regan - 2-2 with a BB
 Matthew Savage - Got the rally started in the 8th with a leadoff double 1-2 with a walk
 Dave Short - 1-3, RBI **** Chris Markuns 1-3 **** Taylor Leathers 1-3, RBI **** Greg McKiel 1-3 and a stolen base
 Giants Team - Six run rally in the 8th with all runs scoring with 2 outs. Never give up. Never surrender!

Orioles Defense Highlights

 Chad Merritt - Solid performance. Pitched lights out until the 8th. Also made 5 plays in the field.
 Shane Bursae - Francisco Brito, Rob Guarino nice 5-4-3 DP in the 1st to set the tempo.
 Rich Gottesman - Shane Bursae, Chris Fantasia had the left side of the infield on lockdown.
 Orioles Team - Big defensive improvement from a week ago, just need to do it for all 9.

Giants Defense Highlights

 Matthew Savage - Pitched another solid game. Defense was behind you this week. Had 4 assists and two putouts fielding the position well.
 Taylor Leathers - Nice job in relief.
 Dave Short - to Aquino to D. Correa for a huge 6-4-3 quick turn double play to end the 5th and saved what looked like a sure run.
 Giants Team - Defense was much better this week. Need the bats to do a little more talking!

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Athletics vs. Dodgers at Shedd
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Athletics Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Doherty, Mike713107230
Silva, Steve (L)(0-3)0 2/3133500
Banks, Ed0 1/3000000
Dodgers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Johnson, Patrick3686420
Montisanti, Jamie (W)(1-0)5522011
Thomas, Jay (S)(1)1000120

Athletics Offense Highlights

 Stephen Felde - 2-4, walk, 2 Runs, 2 RBI and a Home Run the hard way! Laser to left center that kept rolling, and the Wheels were on display
 Chris Paris - 3-5, 3 Runs scored, stays hot at the dish
 Mike Doherty - 2-4, RBI and a Run. Also blasted a ball to center and stretched a stand up double into a single
 Athletics Team - Got wood bats starting after the Memorial Day break, starting off with a tough 'stros squad

Dodgers Offense Highlights

 Jamie Montisanti - Bases clearing Double to tie the game in the 6th, 2-2, 2 BB, Double, 4 RBI.... Raj Bohl - 1-2, BB, 3R,SB
 Mike Roberts - 3-3, BB, RBI, SB and 4R.... Rich Daigle - 1-3, BB, RBI, SB, R
 Tom Shea - 1st appearance of the season was quite productive, 3-3, RBI Triple to score 2 in the 7th
 Jay Thomas - Sac Fly, 2 RBI.... Shawn Smith - Sac Fly RBI, R, BB - both these guys hit balls that were home runs in most parks

Athletics Defense Highlights

 Stephen Felde - Made some great catches in CF with some nice catches on the run.
 Chris Paris - Also flashed the leather quite nicely in LF
 Steve Silva - Catches 7 innings, then pitched the 8th. Never an easy task
 Mike Doherty - Threw 7 innings of Batting Practice

Dodgers Defense Highlights

 Jamie Montisanti - Came in the 3rd to help stop the bleeding, 5 IP, 2R, 2 ER, K and HUGE pick off of a speedy runner at first base
 Raj Bhol - diving grab in the 3rd to squash an A's rally; Tom Shea - great grab of a liner in RF in the top of the 9th
 Shawn Smith - busy day at the hot corner with 6 assists, including a diving stop and toss to JT covering 3rd base
 Dodgers Team - 1 error on a sloppy field was a key to this one, best defensive game of the year.

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Red Sox vs. Padres at Hadley
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Red Sox000100000142
Red Sox Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Cloutier, Ray (L)(0-1)81421020
Padres Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Sholl, John (W)(2-1)9311470

Red Sox Offense Highlights

 Red Sox Team - took 4 walks. Got 2 picked off 1B. Question the interpretation of a balk.
 Juan Pablos Mercedes - RBI double to score our sole run.
 Ray Cloutier - single in a losing effort.
 Noel Hernandez - single, walk, run scored. Nichols-- yes him. singled to center and almost had a 2nd one.

Padres Offense Highlights

 Patrick Kiely - 1-3, RBI. Got the offense started
 Tim Walsh - 2-3, R (Chris Bleau with a great slide as the pinch runner)
 Chris Adams - 1-3, 2B, R......Keith Comeau 2-2, RBI
 Lance Mosher - 3-3, SB....Joe Robichaud 2-4

Red Sox Defense Highlights

 Ray Cloutier - allowing 2 runs with a short bench to support him
 Red Sox Team - cut the errors down to 2 in the book.
 Ricardo Rosa - caught three foul pop ups.

Padres Defense Highlights

 John Sholl - Stud performance! 9 IP, 1R, 7 Ks, picked off 2 runners, 5 assists
 Miguel Mendez - Solid play at SS all day
 Padres Team - By far our best game defensively! Great work on a wet field... Hats off to the Red Sox on a crisply played game
 Tim Walsh - Rock solid behind the plate, catching all 9 again...called a great game.

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Yankees vs. Braves at Westford VFW
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Yankees Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Tevepaugh, Jason5 1/3631013
Gaillardetz, Jim1 2/3444000
Ramirez, Nestor (L)(0-1)2211100
Braves Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Poitras, Andrew72305111
Cudequest, Frank (W)(1-1)2343331

Yankees Offense Highlights

 Nestor Ramirez - HUGE 2-run bomb to tie the game in the 9th
 Joe Winokur - Big hit in the 7th to get us even
 Tyler Gaillardetz - 2-6 with a RBI and the big guy continues to be a menace on the base paths

Braves Offense Highlights

 Mike Fotino - Walk-off Game Winning rbi shot to left center to give the Braves their first victory of 2024!
 Frank Cudequest - Scored the game winning run in the last of the 9th! Welcome back George Skourides with a walk, hit and run.
 Michael Smith - A huge two run single for the
 Maurice Anderson - Big Mo with 2 big singles and a run, Chris Johnson a walk, hit, run and rbi.

Yankees Defense Highlights

 Mark LeMay - Forced into the field when we were down to 8 players and gutted out 7 innings with only 1 working arm. Started a 9-1-2 relay to nail a runner at the plate. The legend continues...
 Jason Tevepaugh - Pitched a great game when we needed it the most. Sloppy conditions hurt him
 Yankees Team - Gave it all we had while missing a bunch of key components to our squad. Thanks to the walking wounded who played against medical advice. Let's heal up

Braves Defense Highlights

 Andrew Poitras - Outstanding starting pitching, 11 Ks in 7 innings!!! Hope that hand heals fast.
 Frank Cudequest - An unbelievable play at short, a Jimmy G rocket that deflected of second base right to Frank who threw a laser to first!
 Mike Fotino - Throwing out runners from behind the dish and

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Twins vs. Brewers at Campbell
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Twins Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Callahan, Rich (L)(1-1)5731020
Antonelli, John3644000
Brewers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
MacDonald, Rob3511011
Kay, Greg (W)(1-0)6611270

Twins Offense Highlights

 Brian Lavoie - 3-4, 1 run and 2 SB's, also got picked off in the first
 Steve Taylor - First OTB hit! Welcome to the league.
 Dan Hickey - run scored and a double. -- Ice Falcon and Sam Hummer: hit and an RBI each (double for Sam)
 Twins Team - Not our best day at the plate. Left a lot of guys on base. Come back strong after the break.

Brewers Offense Highlights

 Greg Kay - HR, 2 RBI
 Jonathan Melendez - 2 for 3, keep it going, big guy
 Dan Beaudry - Rob McDonald - 2 hits each
 Chris Drury - Matt Medeiros - Tom Ralls - all hit safely

Twins Defense Highlights

 Joel Perez - Fantastic scoop at first on a ball from third. Was huge at that point. Great play at first all season.
 Brian Lavoie - Nice snag of a liner up the middle. Did you really have to jump??
 Sam Hummer - Solid in center today.
 Twins Team - A couple errors that could have been avoided. Made most of the plays. The Brewers hit well to earn the win.

Brewers Defense Highlights

 Greg Kay - 6 very strong in long relief running on empty
 Rob MacDonald - Spot start, sharp, picked off 2 runners in the first 2 innings
 Matt Medeiros - Ran down several moonshots, turning them into outs
 Brewers Team - Another very solid outing, only 1 E, didn’t hurt us