Game results for July 21, 2024
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Yankees vs. Brewers at Bicentennial Field
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Yankees Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Weidenbach, Joe3210020
Tevepaugh, Jason (W)(6-1)5310121
Janowicz, Chris1000200
Brewers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Trainor, Shaun (L)(3-3)5 1/3622010
MacDonald, Rob3866020
Ralls, Tom1000000

Yankees Offense Highlights

 David Clermont - 2-3, 2 Runs, 3 RBI, SB - clutch double to get scoring going, then nice slide at home on next play
 Jim Barry - 2-3, Double, 3 RBI - couple of nice hits to score runs
 Tyler Gaillardetz - 2-3, 2 Runs, SB
 Nestor Ramirez - 2-4 *** Six others with a hit once we were able to crack the seal on Brewers pitching in 6th

Brewers Offense Highlights

 Shaun Trainor - 2 for 3, run
 Chris Drury - Hit, RBI
 Jerry Baez - Hit, RBI
 Brewers Team - Tip of the cap to the Yankees pitchers and fielders

Yankees Defense Highlights

 Jon Smithers - Welcome back in the lineup with a full 9 innings behind the plate, wearing arm sleeves for socks no less.
 Jason Tevepaugh - Another solid game on the mound
 Joe Weidenbach - Decent outing after a long time on the DL - helped by some stellar defense (Bruce Brown snag in first)
 Yankees Team - Good d on both sides all day - game flew by. Heal up, Chris C!

Brewers Defense Highlights

 Jerry Baez - Great Superman diving again at SS filling in for Chris....heal up CC
 Shaun Trainor - Great start on the mound holding a very potent lineup to zero runs and 3 hits through the first 5 innings
 Brewers Team - Solid D all day, no errors

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Athletics vs. White Sox at Gage Park
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
White Sox20800034017252
Athletics Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Doherty, Mike (L)(2-2)7211712231
Braga, Joe1100000
White Sox Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Gomes, Andrew (W)(3-0)5622310
Smith, Kevin (S)(1)4954020

Athletics Offense Highlights

 Josh Cabrera - J-Cab, more like call a cab to retrieve those long balls! 2-4, solo shot in the first, and a 3 run jack in the 6th!
 Matt Mastas - 4-4, 2RBI’s. That’s what 2 months rest gets you apparently, keep swinging a hot stick!
 Paul Paquette - Draws a walk, scores a run (Lou C was his proxy) and PP was WILLING his run to score through osmosis. Rest up big guy, get some bio freeze on the small of your back (for carrying the offense)
 Athletics Team - Braga, Felde, Dots all with multiple hits.

White Sox Offense Highlights

 White Sox Team - Everyone in the lineup contributed, most with multiple hits
 Sam Oliver - 3-4, 4 RBI, 1 R, 2B
 Andrew Gomes - 4-5, 2R's, 1 RBI, 5 (!) SB's (nice job as a pinch runner)
 Paul Dionne - 4-5, 3R's, 2 RBI, 2B

Athletics Defense Highlights

 Stephen Felde - All the catches and good relay throws in to keep runners at bay
 Joe Braga - Insists pitching is easy. Goes 1 and gives up zero runs on 1 hit
 Mike Doherty - Insists pitching is hard. Once Braga came in, he Sox were tired from running the bases on dots. Best 2 strike hitting team I’ve seen in a while!
 Paul Paquette - With the grace of a swan, fielded a rolling grounder in no man’s land, BARE HANDED mind you (with a batting glove, so NOT bare handed?) and fires a SEED to first base to get Mr Turmenne in what was undoubtedly an electric “bang bang”play!

White Sox Defense Highlights

 White Sox Team - A few 9th inning miscues, otherwise a clean game on D
 John Mallin - Solid behind the plate (as usual)
 Andrew Gomes - Pitched a strong 5 innings then makes a nifty play at SS
 Paul Dionne - Made all the plays at 2B including a nice 4-3 DP

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Red Sox vs. Orioles at Campbell
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Red Sox02001510110163
Red Sox Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Cloutier, Ray (W)(2-2)51143210
Chappas, Derek2100020
Sheehan, Mike2421110
Orioles Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Bursae, Shane2220040
Merritt, Chad (L)(0-2)4965122
Hass, Ryan1111200
Gottesman, Rich1111100
Brito, Francisco1200000

Red Sox Offense Highlights

 Jim Lyons - the spring chicken goes 3-4 finding gaps where others couldn't. Ray Cloutier 3-4 w/ a 2B, single, RBI and 2 runs scored with pain in the ass dad watching
 Ben Lugo - 2B, run scored and RBI. Mike Sheehan 3-4 w/ a stolen base that even Missy couldn't believe.
 Derek Chappas - HR, 2 runs scored and 2 RBI. Juan hits a missile back to Francisco who never sees it, but the gloves it.
 Sean Ratte - solo HR and two runs scored.

Orioles Offense Highlights

 Mike Blanchette - 2-4 with 2 RBI
 Ryan Hass - 2-4, R, 2 RBI
 Rob Guarino - 3-4
 Gilve Santana - 2H, 2 R

Red Sox Defense Highlights

 Jim Lyons - makes a diving catch in RF in 9th. Has to one up the other RF who didn't see the ball fall into his own glove.
 Ray Cloutier - Solid outing on the mound going 5 innings with wife, daughter and dad in the stands.
 Derek Chappas - building up to the playoffs with another strong relief appearance. Must be the girl dad in him.
 Red Sox Team - defense made enough plays to win.

Orioles Defense Highlights

 Shane Bursae - Struck out 4 over the first 2.
 Ryan Hass - Nice running catch in deep right center.
 Francisco Brito - Scoreless inning in relief.
 Orioles Team - Only 2 errors and no new injuries.

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Braves vs. Pirates at Ferullo
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Braves Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Fotino, Mike4455492
Cudequest, Frank (W)(4-2)5400181
Pirates Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Bennett, Nick (L)(1-2)2422110
Crawford, Derek4475550
Masse, Brian3022220

Braves Offense Highlights

 Gerard Millette - 3 for 3, BB and a run scored
 Frank Cudequest - 2 hits including a double, 2 runs scored and 2 rbi's.
 Andrew Poitras - rbi double and a run scored.
 Braves Team - 9 different Braves scored runs today and all 13 hitters in the line up reached base safely today!

Pirates Offense Highlights

 Drew Walsh - Solid day at the plate, 2-4 1RS
 Corey Pierce - Some good at bats 2-4 and 1 RBI
 Jeff Buxton - Sac bunt to move runner into scoring position.
 Rob Whitehouse - Target on his back today 3 HBP, Yes, they missed one.

Braves Defense Highlights

 Braves Team - One error today!
 Andrew Poitras - Outstanding plays at short.
 Mike Fotino - Great starting pitching today (9 K's) and even better behind the plate!
 Frank Cudequest - The OTB rising star with yet another 5 innings of pitching excellence!

Pirates Defense Highlights

 Derek Crawford - Great pitching performance in a surprise relief. 5K's
 Brian Masse - Continued great pitching relief to give us a chance.
 Corey Pierce - Played various positions with some good plays.
 Pirates Team - Unfortunately, gave up too many runs with 2 Outs.

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Giants vs. Dodgers at Hadley
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Giants Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Leathers, Taylor (L)(1-1)5 2/31082020
Savage, Matthew2 1/3111121
Dodgers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Thomas, Jay (W)(4-0)8632491
Smith, Shawn1000030

Giants Offense Highlights

 Giants Team - 6 hits in the first three innings. None over the last 6. Part one of today's game story.
 Greg McKiel - Matt Savage, Dave Correa, Ricky Garthe, Mike Correa and Tim Giroux with the hits.

Dodgers Offense Highlights

 Nick Gladyszak - Finally got us going in the 4th with a triple to deep RF, 2-4, Triple, 2 R, 2 SB....
 Jamie Montisanti - Also tripled in the 4th, 2 out RBI in the 6th, 2 -4, Triple, RBI, 2 R, SB....
 Rich Daigle - Clutch 2 out RBI, 2 -3 on the day, 2 RBI... Shawn Smith - 1-3, Double, RBI, 2 R, walk, SB!
 Nick Guest - 1-2, BB, 2 R... TZ - 1-4, R... Dan R - 1-3..... Mike D - 1-3....Great playing with great team in the Giants, we'll expect to see them again very soon!

Giants Defense Highlights

 Dave Short - Great play in the shortstop hole making a long throw to get the out.
 Chris Markuns - Complete game behind the plate, threw out a would be base stealer at second with a perfect throw.
 Giants Team - Part two of todays Game story. 5 Errors leading to 6 unearned runs. Hard to win against any team with errors, nearly impossible vs a great Dodgers team.

Dodgers Defense Highlights

 Jay Thomas - 8 solid innings, struggled a bit early but 0 runs allowed after the 2nd inning, 2 ER, 9 Ks on the day....
 Nick Guest - caught a bullet of a ground ball in the 1st to start a 6-4-3 double play to end a big rally!
 Shawn Smith - got some work in the 9th for a 1-2-3 innings, all K's! Rich D -caught all 9 in the heat today
 Dodgers Team - solid D today when needed, 2 errors... some great plays at 1B all day with Lenny and Danny

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Astros vs. Twins at Westford VFW
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Astros Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Flynn, Mack (W)(1-3)9642580
Twins Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Antonelli, John41086000
Hummer, Sam (L)(0-2)3120210
Callahan, Rich2322210

Astros Offense Highlights

 Joe Robarge - 3 for 6 with 4 RBI's and 2 RS....lobbying to replace Biden on the ticket....
 Mack Flynn - Wow...actually had 3 hits in the same game!?!?!? Stole 3 bases??? What did Dr. Joe give him this week???
 Astros Team - Looks like everyone had a hit.....except Krieger...but he walked twice....
 Wilfredo Villalona - Willy hit a triple...probably won't see him for the rest of the year now...

Twins Offense Highlights

 Buddy Baribeault - 2-3, run, 2 RBI, walk, SB and caught stealing
 John Antonelli - 1-2, walk and a run
 Mike Hurley - 1-3 with a run
 Twins Team - Tough day on offense against a good pitcher. Rich and Sam each had a hit and an RBI

Astros Defense Highlights

 Astros Team - Hey we won a game for the 1st time since week one!
 Matt Bucci - Hoggie wanted me to remind you that his record as manager this year is 1-1, while you are 1-7-1.
 Astros Team - 2 errors? we either played well or someone didn't keep the book correctly....

Twins Defense Highlights

 Buddy Baribeault - ten put outs while at short all day
 Steve Taylor - throwing his body around at first to help stop the compounding errors, nice work!
 Twins Team - five errors and it felt like more. Astros came to hit today. Let's forget about it. Have to play better going forward.

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Cardinals vs. Padres at Shedd
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Cardinals Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Vereker, Shawn (W)(1-0)51044060
Martell, Justin (S)(1)4210030
Padres Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Sholl, John (L)(4-3)5 2/314117050
Mosher, Lance2 2/3633010
Murchie, Adam0 2/3233410

Cardinals Offense Highlights

 Andy Gagnon - 4-6, 2 2B, 4 RS, 2 RBI
 Dan Ierardi - 3-6, 2 2B, HR, 3 RS, 2 RBI
 Cardinals Team - A Ierardi- 3-5, BB, 3 RS, 3 RBI; S Vereker- 3-5, 2B, 3B, BB, 2 RS, 2 RBI; B Jennings- 3-5, 2 RS; R Lindsey- 3-6, 3 RBI
 Cardinals Team - J Martell- 2-4, BB, SF, 2 RS, 2 RBI; V D’Amico- 2-5, BB, RBI; W Smokler- 2-4, RS; R Rivera- 1-6, RBI

Padres Offense Highlights

 John Sholl - 2-3, 2 HR, 4 RBI
 Bryan Harrold - 2-3, 3B, 2R, SB
 Patrick Kiely - 1-2, 2B..........Tim Walsh 1-3, R, SB
 Chris Bleau - Chris Adams, Tristan Harrington, Warren Macneil, Adam Murchie, Miguel Mendez - Each had a hit

Cardinals Defense Highlights

 Shawn Vereker - Great start today going 5 solid innings for the win
 Justin Martell - Impressive 4 innings of relief allowing only 2 hits and 1 run for the save
 Roberto Rivera - Great job behind the plate for 9 innings today
 Dan Ierardi - Made every play ranging all over to take hits away

Padres Defense Highlights

 John Sholl - Battled for 5 2/3 with limited defensive support, 5 Ks
 Tim Walsh - Rock solid behind the plate for 9 innings
 Padres Team - Needs to get back on track next week