Game results for September 15, 2024
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Giants vs. Brewers at Alumni
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Giants Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Garthe, Ricky (W)(4-2)5411131
Savage, Matthew (S)(2)4743162
Brewers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Not available

Giants Offense Highlights

 Tim Giroux - 2-4, DOUBLE, RBI, SB **** Matt Savage 2-3 RBI, 2 SB, BB
 Ricky Garthe - 2-3, 2 SB, BB **** Oscar Aquino 2-3 RBI, big 23 out rbi single in the fifth.
 Taylor Leathers - 2-3, 2 RBI, answered the call today **** Mark Maselli one hit to leadoff the four run sixth.
 Dave Short - hit, 2 RBI **** Greg McKiel, Hit RBI **** Scott Evans hit.

Brewers Offense Highlights

Not reported

Giants Defense Highlights

 Ricky Garthe - Nice start on the bump **** Matt Savage - fought through 4 innings to close the game out.
 Chris Markuns - Another 9 behind the plate, nice play on a popup.
 Giants Team - Good defense today. Bats starting to get angry as well..
 Giants Team - Always enjoyable sharing the field with the never quit Brewers.

Brewers Defense Highlights

Not reported
Note: Results for this game are incomplete at this time

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Red Sox vs. White Sox at Campbell
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Red Sox000031000490
White Sox000000311592
Red Sox Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Chappas, Derek2200240
Sheehan, Mike6544052
Mercedes, Juan Pablos (L)(0-1)1111100
White Sox Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Goldner, Dan2 1/3100300
Smith, Kevin (W)(3-0)6 2/31042220

Red Sox Offense Highlights

 Derek Chappas - 1-1 with 2 BB. Ben Lugo 1-3 with 3 stolen bases and a wounded knee.
 Juan Pablos Mercedes - double and run scored; Ray Cloutier 2 RBI and a run scored.
 Chris Velez - 2 hits, including a triple to RF and a run scored; Jack-- a single.
 Luis Mena - two singles and an RBI.

White Sox Offense Highlights

 Paul Dionne - HUGE hits. 2-run triple to get us on the board and then a walk-off HR. 3 RBI
 Joe Beitz - 2-2, Sac Fly RBI & SB
 Kevin Smith - Double to bring in the tying run. RBI
 Erick Collazo - Double. Lacroix & Mallin - each a hit and run scored

Red Sox Defense Highlights

 Derek Chappas - 4 strikeouts in 2 innings pitched. A preview of next weekend.
 Mike Sheehan - 5 strikeouts in 6 innings pitched. Juan-- gave us an inning from the pen.
 Noel Hernandez - gave his all at shortstop.
 Ricardo Rosa - picked off 3 runners.

White Sox Defense Highlights

 Kevin Smith - Keeps us in the game with 7+ innings pitched and only 2 ERs. Also a heads up play at SS to nail a runner at 3B.
 White Sox Team - FOUR(!) double plays including 2 with bases loaded (no runs). Solid infield play - 23 outs made in the infield with only 1 error.
 Sam Oliver - Great sliding catch. Gary Lacroix - the old man holds down the fort at SS.
 John Mallin - Solid all day behind the plate. Dan Goldner - Pitches a solid few innings to start the game

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Pirates vs. Yankees at Westford VFW
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Pirates Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Masse, Brian (L)(0-2)3486631
Buxton, Ben0044302
Whitehouse, Rob3775401
Yankees Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Janowicz, Chris3100040
Clermont, Jay (W)(2-0)3000221
Tevepaugh, Jason1000000

Pirates Offense Highlights

 Rob Whitehouse - 1-2 Incredible line drive hit to right field that earned him the game ball.
 Corey Pierce - Went down swinging 1st at bat and leaned into one, 1 HBP
 Jim Corbett - Down swinging and reached on a error.
 Pirates Team - Too much offense to write about but some outstanding hits right at people!

Yankees Offense Highlights

 Chris Janowicz - 3-3, 2 Runs, 4 RBI, 2 doubles, SB
 Jason Tevepaugh - 2-2, 3 Runs
 Joe Weidenbach - 2-2, 3 RBI
 Yankees Team - 5 other guys with hits, including big double from Tyler G.

Pirates Defense Highlights

 Brian Masse - Great effort on the mound, 3 K'S
 Ben Buxton - Caught and pitched today-threw out runner stealing 2nd, and yes he was tagged!!
 Rob Whitehouse - Good effort pitching and mopping up the last 3 innings.
 Pirates Team - Guess what? We are playing next week!

Yankees Defense Highlights

 Jon Smithers - best backup catcher around - nice job blocking and throwing out first runner trying to steal
 Chris Janowicz - great start, striking out the side to end his outing
 Jay Clermont - spent some time in his old home in center - came in to pitch well
 Yankees Team - took care of business the way we needed to - will be a different story going forward for sure but keep the solid defense going!

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Athletics vs. Braves at Hadley
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Athletics Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Silva, Steve (L)(0-7)4 1/34961163
Banks, Ed3 2/3511120
Braves Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Cudequest, Frank3000040
Fotino, Mike (W)(1-1)3340010
Poitras, Andrew (S)(1)3554150

Athletics Offense Highlights

 Stephen Felde - Another great job at the leadoff spot, like all season. 3-5, 3 runs, speed speed speed
 Chris Paris - 2-4, 2 RBI, a triple followed by the ball going up the hill and chugging home for an oxygen mask
 Steve Silva - 2-4, stolen base, run. hat tip to the Braves staff & D for limiting damage
 Paul Paquette - What to say about this guy. Full swing and the ball hit his hand, breaks his thumb in 3 spots, REFUSES to come out of the game, and lays down an unreal sac bunt to 3rd (On his own), and gets an RBI to end the season. Emptied the tank in that game, h

Braves Offense Highlights

 Mike Poitras - 3 for 3, 3 rbi's, run, sb, hbp (age is just a number)!
 Rob Miller - 2-3, 2 runs, sb, bb
 Rich Gallo - 3 walks, 2 runs
 Mike Fotino - 3 walks, run

Athletics Defense Highlights

 Matt Mastas - Busy behind the plate blocking and chasing balls.
 Paul Paquette - 2 hands, catching pop ups at 2nd base like Winston "too tall" Mckoncsky, or whatever guy from the black and white TV days Pauly referred to
 Mike Doherty - Guy catapulted his way into the gold glove discussion for his plays at 1st, including cleanly fielding ONE ground ball, and also shifting a half a step to his left to catch a streaming line drive. Doesn't care we lost, as long as he "looks cool maki
 Athletics Team - Not our season, Not my best managing performance. Thanks to you all for everything. Let's reload this off season and give it another go in '25

Braves Defense Highlights

 Mike Poitras - Great running catch in center (age is just a number)!
 Frank Cudequest - excellent starting pitching, no runners allowed over 3 innings!
 Mike Fotino - Several key plays at short
 Maurice Anderson - Nice catch in right.

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Orioles vs. Dodgers at Gage Park
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Orioles Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Hass, Ryan (L)(0-2)1 1/32106701
Glossner, Joda2 2/3773000
Gottesman, Rich2450110
Dodgers Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Guest, Nick (W)(4-0)6200151
Montisanti, Jamie2400030

Orioles Offense Highlights

 Orioles Team - Hits for Mike Blanchette, Chris Fantasia, Rich Gottesman (plus a SB), Andy Pickering, Francisco Brito, & Mike Belair
 Orioles Team - Thanks to the players who came to play hard today in a season riddled with serious injuries. Playing ball is always better than not playing ball. Next year will be better.

Dodgers Offense Highlights

 DJ Ruggiero - 3 for 3 with all hits doubles and all RBI doubles at that- 5 RBI in all with 2 R!
 Nick Guest - also a perfect 3 for 3, Double, RBI, 2R....Raj Bohl - also perfect day, 2 for 2, BB, Double, 3R, RBI, SB!
 Dan Ruggiero - a hit, a walk, 3 RBI... Jay Thomas - 2 for 2, BB, RBI, R and a SB...
 Dodgers Team - great day for many, too many to week the pitching will be much tougher so lets be ready

Orioles Defense Highlights

 Rich Gottesman - Joda Glossner - Ryan Hass - Valiant efforts on the mound with the bulk of our pitching staff out for the season or otherwise absent.
 Orioles Team - Congrats to Rich Daigle and the Dodgers, a powerhouse team and a classy group of guys.

Dodgers Defense Highlights

 Nick Guest - pretty dominant on the mound, 6 IP, 2 hits allowed with 5 K's!
 DJ Ruggiero - 7 assists or put outs, very busy day at 3rd and steady as always !
 Raj Bhol - keeps making these over the shoulder catches in CF look simple, great OFer!
 Dodgers Team - 0 errors today! Hats off to the O's for coming to compete with most injured , appreciate the effort and dedication

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Padres vs. Twins at Shedd
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Padres Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Sholl, John3530010
Harrold, Bryan (L)(0-4)3764110
Mosher, Lance2300000
Twins Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Callahan, Rich (W)(5-2)5241130
Hummer, Sam (S)(2)4743111

Padres Offense Highlights

 Keith Comeau - 2-3, HR, 2B, 2 R, 3 RBI
 Lance Mosher - 1-2, RBI
 Rob Ortiz - 1-3, 2R, RBI
 Chris Adams - 1-3, 2B, RBI

Twins Offense Highlights

 Dan Hickey - 4-5, 2 R, 3 RBI, triple!
 Izhar Falcon - 4-5, 1R, 3 RBI, double!
 Jonathan Anglero - 2-3, 2R and a walk, playoff Jonny!
 Stephen Alepa - 2 R and a double! -- Joel and Sam with two hits each

Padres Defense Highlights

 Tim Walsh - Solid for 9 innings behind the plate (as was typical all season!)..threw out a runner at 2B, picked a runner off 1B
 John Sholl - Bryan and Lance - pitched well all game
 Padres Team - Came up a run short...Nice season boys

Twins Defense Highlights

 Rich Callahan - Continues to do ace stuff, great start! - Sam: good save, you pitched well!
 Buddy Baribeault - was busy Sunday, made a bunch of put-outs
 Mike Hurley - turned a nice unassisted DP at second and made a heads up play on a bad throw to still get the runner at first. Ice that shin, use the glove more
 Twins Team - Way too many errors, physical and mental. Let's clean em up!

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Astros vs. Cardinals at Ferullo
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9R H E
Astros Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Not available
Cardinals Pitching IP H R ER BB SO HBP
Vereker, Shawn (W)(3-2)6510140
Martell, Justin1000020

Astros Offense Highlights

Not reported

Cardinals Offense Highlights

 George Hopkins - 3-3, RS, 2 RBI
 Rob Lindsey - 3-3, RS, SB, RBI
 Vinnie D'Amico - 2-3, 2 RS

Astros Defense Highlights

Not reported

Cardinals Defense Highlights

 Cardinals Team - All around good defensive game today
Note: Results for this game are incomplete at this time